Collaboration and circular innovation celebrated: showcase ROAM at Groningen Campus opened

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Openingshandeling door Edward van der Meer (directeur Campus Groningen) en Dick Pouwels (voorzitter College van Bestuur Hanze)

What started as an ambition and glimpse into the future became a reality on 27 February. Over 80 interested parties toasted a circular showcase - built by students - on Campus Groningen yesterday. The showcase bears the name ‘ROAM’, which is Grunnegs for window. It is a self-sufficient and circular building designed and built by MBO and HBO students and serves as a meeting place for education, research, businesses and visitors. The building, located at Zernikelaan 17, near the Energy Barn, is constructed from sustainable materials sourced from donor properties and is largely energy-independent.

Edward van der Meer, director of Campus Groningen, opened showcase ROAM together with Dick Pouwels (chairman Hanze Executive Board). ‘At Campus Groningen, we work on the world of tomorrow. Innovations are conceived, tested and disseminated here. To make these innovations visible, places have been set up on the Campus where these innovations are given a place. A place to discover all the wonderful things that are being developed, get inspired and meet each other,’ says Edward van der Meer.

The opening was linked to the Campus Café organised several times a year by Campus Groningen.

Entrepreneurship, meeting and development
During the festive opening, Edward van der Meer and Dick Pouwels officially opened showcase ROAM. Symbolically, they attached the final letter ‘O’ to the building. Dick Pouwels is proud of this milestone: ‘The unique collaboration we have here in Groningen becomes visible at this spot. This O symbolises the circle of creation and circularity. Because unique to this building is that it was built entirely from donor buildings. So it is completely reused. Nice to see that everything comes together like this and the circle of sustainable cooperation and development is complete again.’

Furniture made of magnesium and potato starch
The opening of ROAM also kicks off the programming of Minerva Art Academy, which presents an exhibition in collaboration with Innovation Hub East Groningen (IHOG). IHOG is a joining of forces between Hanze, the University of Groningen and five companies (Avebe, Hempflax, Nedmag, Zechsal and Ten Kate). The showcase shows the results of a study by Minerva student Inge van der Ham on potato starch as a natural binder, combined with hemp fibres. This material was used together with magnesium, by Sebastiaan Baar, to design tables, chairs and lamps, which will soon be on display at ROAM.

ROAM can be admired at Zernikelaan 17 on Campus Groningen. More information about the exhibition and programming throughout the year? Go to . Would you like to take a look inside ROAM? Then contact Entrance's Service Point: +31 (0)50 595 6500.
About ROAM
ROAM is an innovative pavilion built entirely from sustainable materials sourced from donor buildings and is largely energy-independent. The building provides space for exhibitions, work and consultation areas and acts as a window to the innovations of the future. ROAM stands for a vista into the future, where innovation, sustainability and collaboration come together. The pavilion acts as a window (Grunnegs: raam) to the innovations of tomorrow's world, a place where you can wander and discover.