Fine Art

  • Bachelor
  • Full-time
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Fine Art

4 years
Dutch, English
Bachelor of Arts
240 ECTS
Start: September

Your future as an independent fine artist

The bachelor of Fine Art will guide you on the road to becoming a professional visual artist. An artist is driven by curiosity and the desire to create things that haven't been seen before. An artist is curious and eager and strives to take an independent and autonomous position in the world. Do you recognise that ambition and are you passionate about art? Do you want to work in multiple disciplines, with a wide range of artist-teachers in a highly international studio environment? The Fine Art bachelor's programme at Minerva Art Academy welcomes you.

People viewing art at the grad show in 2024
Graduation Show 2024 Photo: Hannah Stienstra

Your future as an independent artist

To become an independent visual artist, you need an open mind. You ask questions and you don't take the world at face value. You want to learn to express your ideas in new and exciting ways. As an artist you want to show your ideas to the world. You will work individually or with others in shared studios and in our technical workshops. You create your journey, making your way in the world of art.

Getting to know your craft

During this bachelor’s programme you will learn to materialise your ideas, feelings and fascination in visual work, using different materials, techniques and media. You will be confronted with many possible  aspects of contemporary art: ideas and concepts, media and domains, materials and techniques, artist positions and roles, studio practices and professional practices. You will be guided in finding the answer to the question what it means for you to be a professional artist.

About this programme

The bachelor's programme Fine Art is a four-year programme. An academic year consists of two semesters of 16 teaching weeks each, each with a final assessment and a project week or excursion week. The programme is structured around work in the studio. The studio programme focuses on the development of your own visual work. You will learn to look at your own work and that of others in a professional manner.

Making and thinking

For an artist, making and thinking are closely linked. This is reflected in the curriculum. You will be taught by a variety of tutors, who all have their own specialised active professional background. Working in the studio and workshops is central in the programme in which theory and practice are connected to prepare you for a professional practice.

Personal development as an artist

Your personal development as an artist is central in the programme. This means you can personalise your own programme and are free to pursue subjects and activities that encourage you to explore new paths. Part of this development is your Study Portfolio. You will further personalise your study programme by  working with multiple mediums and by getting to know different professional domains and artist positions.
In your third year you can study abroad for a semester or apply for a minor. You can take part in (Honours) projects and assignments provided by The Project Bureau or carry out research assignments for the Art & Society Research Centre. We offer a great many additional activities, like an international excursion at the start of your studies, guest lectures, project weeks, excursions, exhibitions, festivities and external projects, and many interesting, multidisciplinary OffCourses. 

  • Year 1 - Propedeuse
    During the first year, you will be given assignments that will help you start an artistic process to create independent work.
  • Year 2 - Main phase
    In the second year, you will learn to initiate and keep the artistic process going yourself.
  • Year 3 - Independent work and positioning
    In your third study year, you can spend a semester studying at an academy abroad. You can also follow a Minor or take part in (Honours) projects and practical assignments at the Project Bureau and research assignments for the Research Centre Art & Society on your own initiative.
  • Year 4 - Graduating
    In your fourth year you prepare for your graduation. You write a final paper (research paper) and a thesis. You are also part of a joint exhibition showing your work as well as that of your fellow students.

After your studies

With your Bachelor’s degree you can go on studying a Master of Arts in Fine Art and Design consisting of  four distinct master programmes – Painting, MADtech (Media, Art, Design & Technology), iRAP (interRelational Art Practices), and MAPs (Materials in Artistic Practices) at the Frank Mohr Institute of Minerva Art Academy.

Professional future

After graduating you will build a practice as an independent fine artist in your own workshop or together with other artists in a joint workshop.

Additional study content

Our people

Admission and Application

You can apply for the Bachelor Fine Art through Studielink (digital application form) until May 1 2025. If you are a Non-European/non-EEA nationality candidate you can apply until April 1 2025. 

IMPORTANT: we strongly advise Non-European/non-EEA nationality candidates to read the information about residence permits or visa, which can be found here


After your application in Studielink you will get access to Hanze Apply.
You will be asked to upload the following documents:

  • Certified copies of all diplomas and certificates
  • A copy of your valid passport
  • For the bachelor Fine Art proof of a sufficient level of English is required:

- an IELTS score of at least 6.0 
- a TOEFL (iBT) score of 80;
- Cambridge ESOL level C (CAE-C)

Note: the certificates must not be older than 2 years.

For more information about language requirements and reasons for being exempt from submitting language test scores, click here

Previous education

For admission, a distinction is made between sufficient and insufficient preliminary education. Your previous studies should be of a high enough level to study at a Dutch university of applied sciences. The student administration or NUFFIC assesses your diplomas/certificates.
Even with insufficient preliminary education, you may still be admitted to the bachelor Fine Art on the grounds of 'exceptional talent' and a good performance in a test. This test indicates whether you can function at higher professional educational level. You will have to pay the costs, (€30-€40) of this test yourself.

If you want to know more about the validation of your own diploma, you can also check the diploma comparison site of our national agency NUFFIC.

Entrance examination

The entrance examination for the Fine Art programme consists of two rounds:

  1. For the first round we ask you to upload your portfolio, motivation letter and resume/bio in Hanze Apply in one (1) merged PDF file of maximum 50 MB. These documents must be in English.  Dutch student can request to use Dutch. You will receive the login codes after your application in Studielink. 
    View portfolio requirements

    The portfolio will be assessed on visual quality, variety in content and media and demonstration of curiosity. You will receive a letter with the outcome of the assessment. If positive you will progress to round 2.

  2. For the second round you will be asked to make and upload a home assignment and receive an invitation for an online interview with the admissions committee. The interview is conducted by two fine art tutors and a fine art student. It will take about 10 minutes and will be addressing the work, your motivation for studying fine art at Minerva and your interest and ambition in the visual arts. The interview is in English. Dutch candidates can request to have the interview in Dutch.

​​​​​​​Within two weeks you will receive the results of the entrance examination by email.

Entrance examination criteria

Based on the online interview and your submitted portfolio, home assignment, letter of motivation and resume/bio the admissions committee will assess whether you are admissible. The committee will examine whether you show sufficient aptitude for:

  1. visual capacity
  2. reflective capacity
  3. analytical skills
  4. cultural awareness
  5. communicative ability
